POBNEWS24, Dhaka Nov 1, 2021 :On his 75th birthday, Asaduzzaman Noor, a well-known actor and reciter, was dubbed the ‘Golden Knot’ of Bengali drama. Yesterday, Sunday, at the National Theater of Shilpakala Academy, a joyous event was held for him. And there he said, the power of industry is infinite, with that power the new generation has to be made real Bengalis.
The National Theater was decorated with flowers and colorful lamps. The auditorium was filled to the brim with the presence of eminent personalities and young workers of the cultural arena. Many people were standing in the corridor without getting any space inside. The program started at 6.30 pm. Asaduzzaman Nur was brought on stage through a dance accompanied by the recitation of the prologue of Nuruddin’s lifelong drama.
The artists of the dance organization Spondon took part in it. State Minister for Culture KM Khalid was the chief guest at the event titled ‘Tomari Hok Joy’. Professor Anupam Sen, convener of the National Committee for Celebrating 75th Jubilee, presided over the function.
Wreaths were handed over to him by all the artists and cultural activists. Later, poet Kamal Chowdhury and MP Asim Kumar Ukil dressed him in the ideals of Bangabandhu. The chief guest wore a scarf.
Collectively, the reciters recited the poem ‘Amar Parichay’ by Syed Shamsul Haque. Hasan Arif, general secretary of Sammilita Sangskritik Jote, recited a poem dedicated to Asaduzzaman Nur. Member Secretary of the Celebration Committee Golam Quddush gave the welcome address.
The playwright Nasir Uddin Yusuf recited the testimonial. He said, ‘Your shadow spreads in the chest of a man of forty-four thousand square miles, in whose chest is a poem of sorrow. From the stage to the public, you will be gradually growing in the land of simultaneous art and politics Mohirusam evergreen tree today! O golden knot of Bengali drama, I thank you. ‘
In the discussion session, everyone wished Asaduzzaman Noor a long and happy working life. In addition to highlighting aspects of his multifaceted career, they also highlighted the cultural history of the post-independence period and the role of cultural activists from the sixties onwards.
Chief Guest State Minister for Culture KM Khalid in his speech referred to Asaduzzaman Noor as a living legend of our culture. He said people like Asaduzzaman Noor have no alternative. He wished him a happy career.
Speaking on the occasion, Professor Anupam Sen said that Asaduzzaman Noor’s position in the field of culture is as bright as gold. He has removed the thick darkness around him with his radiance. People like him lead the nation.
Asaduzzaman Nur reminisced in response to the congratulations. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman paid homage to the martyrs and mothers and sisters who sacrificed their lives in the war of liberation. Recently, he expressed his grief over the memory of eminent persons lost in Corona in different parts of the country and reminisced about the life he left behind. Thanks to the organizers of the event.
Also present on the stage were playwright Ataur Rahman, journalist and storyteller Anisul Haque. Ahkam Ullah, joint secretary of the celebration council, conducted the function.