POBNEWS24, Dhaka, Aug 14, 2022: India’s Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has been threatened with bomb blasts. Along with Adityanath, Bharatiya Kisan Manch (BKM) president Devendra Tiwari has also received death threats. Police have already arrested one person in this incident.
The Uttar Pradesh government has said that the threatening letter has been recovered from Devendra Tiwari’s house.
After the letter came forward, the police started investigating.
Yogi Adityanath has received two death threats in the last few days. The threat letter said, security guards are there, or Yogi Adityanath would have been blown up long ago. Yogi Adityanath has also been asked to make amends. Otherwise they have been threatened with death.
Police say that Devendra Tiwari was also threatened to kill in that letter. The police initially believe that this threat was given on the issue of closure of slaughterhouses in Uttar Pradesh. But the investigation is going on to know the details.
Source: Zee News